Girls Vocational School Africa
Globelink Foundation is proud to partner with the Shay Meckenstock memorial foundation to construct a girls vocational school on our campus in Ghana W. Africa. There are many young ladies in this part of Africa that will never be able to attend school of any kind and find themselves caught in a cycle of poverty that they are unable to escape unless someone gives them a helping hand. That is what The Shay House will accomplish. We will take in 12-14 young girls annually and train them in English and a variety of skill sets so they can secure good paying jobs or perhaps start their own businesses. We will also be connecting them with other ministries that provide micro loans for business start-ups and that will instruct the girls on how to handle money.

We invite you to partner with the Shay Meckenstock Foundation to see this project be a success. Donations can be made at www.theshayfund.com